Vocational studies

Presentation Skills 11-14 yrs: Lesson Plans, Activities and Resources
How do I give a presentation? How do I learn to communicate effectively and grow in confidence? Here are practical answers; an antidote to anxiety. Immediately, you can use these lesson plans and activities that contain elements of fun. Coupled with fit-to-purpose resources, your students will build confidence and skills as they learn to -
· Build rapport from the outset.
· Know the difference between helpful and distracting body language.
· Learn skills and quickly practice them.
· Analyse presentations given by famous people.
· Discover and see what stress and nerves do to the body.
· Develop ways to turn pressure to their advantage.
· Introduction to presentation skills in the context of business / marketing.
· Acquire practical skills that make for effective presentations.
· Stay motivated, right to the end.
Please contact Claire Vorster for free resources, or with other questions.